Common types of injuries for sport

Young woman passing rugby ball resized

Common types of injuries for sport

Find statistics on the top types of injuries, by common sports.

  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Fracture or dislocation
  • Laceration, puncture, or sting
  • Dental injuries
  • Concussion or brain injuries
  • Other injuries
  • Caveats to this data

Soft tissue injuries

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Fracture or dislocation

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Laceration, puncture, or sting

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Dental injuries

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Concussion or brain injuries

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Other injuries

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'New' claims are counted in the calendar year they were lodged.

'Active' claims have had a payment made on them during that year. Active claims may have been lodged in a different calendar year and can be counted across multiple years.

'Costs' don't include payments made for acute treatment in public hospitals.

A client's age may differ between lodgement date and accident date.

'Region' is based on where the accident happened.

The data was extracted at a point in time and may change if re-run later.

  • Data was extracted at a point in time and may differ if re-run later.