Register for our ISSC evolution quarterly conversation

Released 05/07/2022

As part of our efforts to strengthen the way we support our sensitive claim clients, we’re hosting a quarterly conversation on 29 July 2022 from 11:30am to 1:30pm. This will be an exciting opportunity to hear an update on the evolution of the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) and to share your input on how we can find solutions to key challenges.

The quarterly conversation will include seven breakout sessions:

Kaupapa Māori health services

Join us for a korero about mahi underway to develop a new pathway called Kaupapa Māori health services to deliver whānau-centred, tikanga-aligned care for people with sensitive claims. 

Towards investment in primary prevention

Join us for a discussion about the actions we are leading under Te Aorerekura to invest in a Tiriti-based primary prevention model that strengthens the protective factors so that family violence and sexual violence do not occur. 

ISSC supplier/provider model

Join us for a discussion about the ISSC Supplier and Provider Model, what’s working well, what’s not working well and opportunities for change.  

Workforce strategy

Join us for a discussion on about what can be done to influence the capacity and capability within the Mental Health workforce to support the delivery of Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims.  

Pre-engagement with ISSC

Join us for a discussion about a proposed pre-engagement future state and solution areas that can enable this.  

Language we use within ISSC

Join us for a discussion about how ACC can improve some of the terms and phrases used when we communicate with clients with a sensitive claim.  

Sensitive claims patient reported outcomes trial

Join us to learn more about the upcoming outcomes trial and how you may be able to support and participate in it.  

RSVP for the quarterly conversation

Confirm you place and indicate which breakout session you’d like to participate in.

RSVP now

We hope you’ll join us! Your continued input is essential as we work to improve the delivery of ISSC services and improve outcomes for survivors of sexual violence.  

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