Medical provider smiling

What is ACC? This is us in a nutshell

Video transcript for What is ACC


Screen shows What is ACC? Clock shows watch time of 2 minutes 31 seconds.

Text displays Megan Main Chief Executive Officer.

Megan is sitting in a chair facing the camera. A pot plant, water jug, cup of water and pen and notepad sit in a small table beside her.


To understand ACC, we need to understand how healthcare works in Aotearoa New Zealand. As a country, we fund healthcare differently to others. When someone gets injured as a result of an accident, they can come to us, the Accident Compensation Corporation, or ACC, for support. That support can come in many forms and will depend on what our clients need to get back to independence. It could be treatment, it could be weekly compensation, rehabilitation equipment, counselling for mental injury or help getting back to work.    


Screen shows What does ACC do? Clock shows watch time of 30 seconds.

Screen changes to show Helping recovery and preventing accidents.

Screen cuts back to Megan in the chair.


Put simply, we provide comprehensive, no-fault injury cover for New Zealanders, as well as for our visitors. To do this, we partner with providers like you to deliver healthcare services to our clients. But our work doesn’t end there. We believe that up to 90 percent of all injury claims are preventable. That’s why we’re also focused on injury prevention to stop accidents happening in the first place.


Screen shows Who is covered? Clock shows watch time of 26 seconds.

Screen changes to show Everyone is eligible.

Screen cuts back to Megan in the chair.


Everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand is eligible for cover, meaning they can get the treatment and care that they need to recover from injury. We take a no-fault approach to accident cover, meaning it doesn't matter who you are or what you were doing when you were hurt. Even our visitors can get cover for treatment if they’re hurt in an accident here.


Screen shows How is ACC funded? Clock shows watch time of 30 seconds.

Screen changes to show We all pay for each other.

Screen cuts back to Megan in the chair.


All New Zealanders contribute to keeping ACC running so we can keep caring for each other. We’re funded by different levies paid by motorists, businesses, and workers. We’re also partly government funded. We invest and grow that money to pay for the future costs of the scheme. That’s just a brief introduction about our mission and what we do at here ACC, but of course there’s plenty more to learn. It’s good to have you on this journey.


Screen shows Chapter one What is ACC?

Screen rolls through three statements: ACC supports people injured in accidents regardless of who they are and how they were hurt. We work with you to get clients back to independence. All New Zealanders contribute to keep ACC running.

Screen changes to show For more information and resources visit

Screen changes again to show the ACC logo and tagline He Kaupare. He Manaaki. He Whakaora. Prevention. Care. Recovery.

Here in Aotearoa New Zealand healthcare is funded a little differently. Everyone is covered, including our visitors, to get the treatment and care they need to recover from their injuries. It doesn’t matter if the accident happens at home, work, school, on the road or on the sports field.

As a healthcare provider, you’ll need to be registered with us so we can pay you for your services. Generally, you’ll be able to lodge claims and get on with providing treatment without any delay.