Navigation Services
Navigation Service was set up to give the public free, independent advice or guidance if they find the ACC system difficult to navigate.
We also have Te Ara Tuhono – our Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service which is delivered regionally through trusted Māori providers.
On this page
What is the Navigation Service?
We established the Navigation Service because sometimes injured people want support from someone external to ACC. They may have become lost within our sometimes complex policies and processes and are not getting the help and support they need.
The organisations are independent of us and can offer free advice and guidance about an ACC claim. Anyone needing ACC-related support can contact any of the organisations directly to ask for help.
Find a Navigation Service provider
Way Finders
Way Finders are a national phone and email-based service that is ready to listen and help you progress your ACC query. They can help with a wide range of claim-related questions and issues. They can also help you understand what ACC entitlements are available. Their aim is to ensure you get what you need from ACC, so you can stay focused on your rehabilitation and recovery.
Phone 0800 273 030
Workplace Injury Advocacy Service
The Workplace Injury Advocacy Service have been providing phone-based support since 2005. They are union-based with expertise in work-related injuries and issues. They also have strong relationships and specialist expertise in dealing with Third Party Insurers who manage claims on behalf of us and many Accredited Employers.
Service available to all ACC customers and people from all backgrounds.
Workplace Injury Advocacy Service website
Phone 0800 486 466
Te Ara Tūhono – The Connecting Path
Te Ara Tūhono aims to improve the experiences of Māori and their whānau when they access our services and support.
These Māori Health providers are delivering a regional-based Navigation Service. This gives our kiritaki Māori (Māori clients) technically correct advice, delivered in a culturally appropriate way, through an easy to access and trusted provider.
We are creating a more equitable ACC for Māori, which will benefit all New Zealanders.
Te Ara Tūhono providers
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga
Nearly four decades ago, a collective of health workers created a movement to prioritise Māori health in Te Tai Tokerau. From this, Ringa Atawhai Mātauranga (RAM) was born and formally established in 2014. It remains the only Kaupapa Māori NZQA registered and accredited, locally owned and operated, Private Training Establishment in Te Tai Tokerau. RAM is focused on training the unregulated Māori health and disability workforce.
They also deliver Rongoā Māori services and ACC Kaupapa Māori Navigation services in Whangārei.
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga website
Phone 0508 NAVIGATE (628 442 83)
The Whānau Ora Community Clinic
The Whānau Ora Community Clinic was established in 2014 from government policy focused on family wellbeing or Whānau Ora. The founder, George Ngatai, and his wife wanted to show families the principal factors of Whānau Ora . Since then, this organisation has established many clinics in and across the country.
Along with ACC Kaupapa Māori Navigation Services, the teams support whānau with a range of services including mental health, social services, employment, housing, medical.
Phone 0800 123 247
AKI Innovations
ĀKI Innovations is a Kaupapa Māori health and social service. They are motivated to nurture whānau wellbeing by unpacking complex inter-generational challenges. They tautoko people's journey of wellness through:
- injury and cancer rehabilitation
- connections into Rongoā Māori
- guidance through Kaitiakitanga - Ākina te Mauri.
They can support you to navigate a pathway around challenges with ACC.
Phone 0800KAIWHAKATERE (0800 524 942)
Te Ahi Kaa Indigenous Solutions
Te Ahi Kaa Indigenous Solutions is a Kaupapa Māori provider in the Franklin/Te Puaha o Waikato region. Their vision is to provide Kaupapa Māori and whanau-led solutions to support whānau health and wellbeing. They will awhi you and your whānau to better understand your journey through ACC in meaningful ways. Their Mātapono will guide the process so you and your whānau can make the best decisions for your recovery and beyond.
Phone 0800KAIWHAKATERE (0800 524 942)
Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki
Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki is a rural, Iwi-based, not-for profit, incorporated society. They have provided affordable health and wellness services across the Hauraki rohe for over 25 years.
The services at Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki are designed to meet the diverse needs of the whānau community. Services are provided in an inclusive iwi-based setting.
Their ACC Kaupapa Māori navigation service is available to:
- support whānau who live in Hauraki.
- support empowering engagement for whānau with ACC.
- connect whānau with specialist services to support correct ACC entitlement.
Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki website
Phone 0508 835 676
The following organisations are available to support you at any point in your ACC journey. Their ACC Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service is available to:
- support engagement for whānau with ACC and access to the right information
- connect whānau with specialist services to support correct ACC entitlement.
KŌ Kollective Trust
Ko Kollective Trust is an Ōpōtiki-based Kaupapa Māori organisation that empowers people to dream, activate and actualise their best and fullest potential. The Trust provides a range of wellbeing services to help, awhi and tautoko whānau towards greatness.
Service available to whānau who live in the Opotiki area and to Whangaparoa on the East Cape.
Phone 0800 NAV ACC (628 222)
Poutiri Trust
Poutiri Wellness is a Kaupapa Māori health and social service based in Te Puke. They are committed to supporting whānau to determine their own health outcomes. Ko toiora te whāinga taioreore, mō nga whānau, me te hapori whānui.
Service available to whānau who live in from Ōtamarākau to Mount Maunganui and in the Te Puke area.
Phone 0800 NAV ACC (628 222)
Ngāti Kahu Hauora
Ngati Kahu Hauora Community Health Hub provides comprehensive family health care with multiple services in one place. They strive to provide cost-effective and efficient healthcare services. These services are for whānau of Ngāti Ranginui Iwi, Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi, Ngāti Pūkenga Iwi, and the wider community.
Service available to whānau who live in Tauranga Moana, alongside Waiariki Whānau Mentoring.
Phone: 0800 NAV ACC (628 222)
Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao Trust
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao is an iwi organisation established in 1987 to meet the needs of ngā uri o Ngāti Pikiao and wider community. They have three key service areas - training, health and social services. They focus on providing whānau-centred services, giving the support, awhi and guidance that tamariki, rangatahi, pakeke and koeke need most.
Service available to whānau who live in the Rotorua area.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao website
Phone 0800 NAV ACC (628 222)
Te Ika Whenua Hauora
Te Ika Whenua Hauora Inc is a Maori Health provider based in Murupara our focus is Health & Wellbeing of our local and wide communities Waiohau, Ruataahuna, Minginui Te Whaiti, Kaingaroa, Galatea and Murupara.
Phone 0800 NAV ACC (628 222)
Tuwharetoa Hauora Charitable Trust
The vision of Ngati Tuwharetoa for the health of its people is Tino Rangatiratanga. Health is a taonga and is embodied in Tino Rangatiratanga.
We provide and deliver free health and social services for whanau and individuals across the lifespan.
Our services include Tamariki Ora Well-child Nursing, Family Start, Māori Disability Support, Whānau Ora Navigators, Long-Term Conditions Nursing and Home-Based Support Services. Most of our services can be accessed through self-referral.
Tuwharetoa Health Charitable Trust | Turangi, Taupo and Mangakino
Phone 0800 WHARIKI ( 942 7454)
Waiariki Whānau Mentoring Trust
Waiariki Whānau Mentoring (WWM) is a Kaupapa Māori organisation established in 2018 to support whānau who live on the fringes. This includes Ngāi Tokomatua (gang) whānau. WWM supports whānau achieve their aspirations for wellbeing and success. Ko te whānau te rito, family is central.
Service available to whānau who live in Whakatane, Kawerau, Tokoroa, Tauranga and Waikato.
Waiariki Whānau Mentoring website
Phone 0800 NAV ACC (628 222) or 0800 MY WHANAU (699 426 28) for after hours support.
Huarahi Pai Whānau Services
Huarahi Pai began in 2019 as a local solution to supporting whānau with methamphetamine addiction. They have supported over 100 individuals and their whanau through 8-week marae-based wananga throughout the Ngati Porou rohe.
Based in the Waiapu, Huarahi Pai Whanau Services is an extension of Huarahi Pai. The team has extensive experience in service delivery at a whanau, hapu and Iwi level within the Tairawhiti rohe.
They believe all whānau can thrive and prosper if given the right tools and support.
Phone 0508 COASTY (0508 262 789)
Ngati Porou Oranga
Ngati Porou Oranga serves whānau living within the Ngati Porou boundary between Potikirua to Te Toka a Taiau.
Their vision is: Te Whakapumau i te mana motuhake o Ngati Porou mo nga uri whakatipu. Ngati Porou self-determination and control over our destiny for future generations.
Ngati Porou Oranga focuses on the holistic wellbeing of whānau to realise whanau aspirations. They support whanau along their journey toward mana-motuhake through health, housing and end to end social services.
Ngati Porou Whānau Oranga Services website
Phone 0800 833 502
Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa
Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa represents three iwi:
- Te Aitanga a Mahaki
- Rongowhakaata
- Ngai Tamanuhiri.
Their mission is to promote, pursue and advance the cultural, economic, spiritual, social wellbeing and prosperity of Iwi. Their ACC Kaiurungi will navigate you and your whānau through the process so you can make the best decision for your recovery journey.
Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa website
Phone (06) 867 8109
What other options are available?
If you need help navigating ACC there are multiple different options available to you. You can choose someone to talk to us about your claim on your behalf and give them different levels of access.
You're also able to use Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). ADR is an umbrella term used to describe methods for resolving disputes and can include mediation, conciliation, and facilitation.
ADR provides whoever is looking after the dispute and the customer with an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with an independent party to find a way forward or resolution without the need for a more formal review hearing.