Sort out a problem with your levy invoice
If you have a problem with your levy, talk to us first. Our business team can help with most problems. If you're still unhappy, you can apply for a formal review or make a complaint.
On this page
If your details are incorrect
Take a close look at your invoice and check your details are correct. There are a few things that can cause something to be wrong.
- Your details are incorrect, such as classification unit (CU) or IR filings.
- You're no longer contracting or operating a business.
- You've merged or sold your business.
- You've worked part-time hours.
- You paid employees in the first week after a workplace injury.
- Your employees earned above the maximum liable income level from different income sources.
If any of these have happened, let us know so we can ensure you're paying the correct amount.
Note: The amount listed on your invoice is for that invoice only and may not reflect your total outstanding balance.
To check your details and get the most up-to-date balance for your levy invoice, log in to MyACC for Business.
If something's still not right, contact our business team
We'll look into the problems you have. We'll also explain why we've made changes and how they've affected your levy.
Call us
Phone 0800 222 776 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
Phone (overseas) +64 7 859 8675
Write or email us
Make sure you include your name, account number, and what you'd like us to look at.
ACC Business Service Centre
PO Box 795
Wellington 6140
Get someone to talk to us on your behalf
You can give someone access to your levy account so they can talk to us about your levies:
Give someone access to your levy account
If you're still not happy after talking to us
If you've talked to us and you’re still not happy you can:
Ask for a formal independent review
If you want to challenge a decision we’ve made, you can apply for a formal independent review.
Make a complaint to us
If you think we’ve treated you unfairly, you can complain to us.
Phone 0800 650 222
You can also download and send us a complaint form:
Make a complaint to an independent organisation
If you have a complaint about your privacy, contact:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Phone 0800 803 909
Complain to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner
If you think we’ve treated you unfairly, contact:
Office of the Ombudsman
Phone 0800 802 602