Applications are open for the ACC Postgraduate Scholarships
Released 02/07/2024
ACC funds postgraduate research scholarships to understand more about the complex challenges and emerging trends in injury prevention and compensation.
Applications are now open to those who are commencing their Master’s research in 2024 or 2025
Applications will be accepted from candidates:
- who are enrolled in a full time or part time Master’s degree in an Aotearoa New Zealand university, or an NZQA accredited tertiary institution.
- who are commencing their research component in either 2024 or 2025.
- whose proposed course of study includes a minimum thesis component of 90 Credits.
- whose research thesis focuses on one or more of ACC’s research priorities.
Our research priorities include:
- Experience of injury and accessing the Accident Compensation Scheme
- Effect of material hardship on injury risk and/or recovery in the working aged adult population
- Indigenous knowledge (mātauranga Māori) and approaches (Kaupapa Māori) that keep the working aged adult population safe and/or assist them to recover well from injury
- Effect of comorbid mental health conditions on rehabilitation and/or reinjury
- What helps injured people stay safe from reinjury after they have stopped receiving formal rehabilitation services
- Effect of non injury-related disability on the incidence and severity of injury and/or clients' recovery and return to independence.
Find more information on the scholarship and how to apply.