Do you have a client or know someone who is a survivor of abuse in care?
The Survivor Experiences Service is a supportive, confidential place for survivors of abuse in care and their whānau to share their experiences. This service started as a response to a recommendation by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into abuse in state and faith-based care.
The Service provides a space for survivors of abuse in care to allow their experiences to be heard, validated and acknowledged. Services are tailored to a survivor’s unique needs and create a non-judgemental space.
Survivors can choose how to share their experiences – face to face, virtually or in writing. The Service provides fully accessible short-term support to help survivors share their experiences, with referrals to other support services where needed.
Learn more about the Survivor Experiences Service
Note: The Survivor Experiences Service is not an ACC service. It is guided by an independent Board and housed within Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs.