Working Together – A handbook for Cost of Treatment Regulations providers
A new handbook for providers working under the Cost of Treatment Regulations
We’re pleased to say the 129-page Treatment Provider Handbook (TPH) has been replaced by a more user-friendly 12-page document called 'Working Together - A handbook for providers working under the Cost of Treatment Regulations.' It still has all the important information you need but in a more concise format.
You told us the previous handbook was not meeting your needs as it included too much content and was difficult to read and print. To address this, we’ve moved most of the information to our website and condensed the document to 12 pages.
Working together outlines how to work with us
Working Together covers from our purpose as a partnership to keeping clinical records, consultations and visits, to the difference between the injuries we do and don’t cover.
It also outlines the expectations of our relationship and explains how best to work with us. It provides an overview of ACC, how we work, and most importantly, the processes that need to be followed to ensure we work together in the best interests of our clients.
Each topic is outlined in the handbook, with extra detail available online should you need it.
Working together – A handbook for providers working under the Cost of Treatment Regulations
Let us know what you think
We welcome feedback on the new format and would like to know if it works for you. Email us and tell us what you think: