Social media terms and conditions

This page contains community guidelines asking for protection of privacy and mutual respect between users of our social media accounts. It also states the disclaimer, copyright and conditions of use for our social media accounts.

On this page

    Transparency statement

    We use social media to share information about our role and purpose for New Zealanders. Social media is also a platform for us to engage directly in conversation, feedback and assisting our clients.

    We may occasionally like or follow organisations, partners or individuals relevant to ACC. This does not mean we endorse these accounts or guarantee the accuracy of the information they've posted.

    Views expressed by others on our social media channels are the responsibility of that person, or organisation and may not reflect our opinions or policies.

    Our community guidelines below outline: how to protect your own and other’s privacy on our social media channels and all other feedback platforms; moderation of community engagement and steps we will take to remove comments or block people from our channels who breach the community guidelines.

    Community guidelines

    Our social media customer support hours are 8:00am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.

    We welcome your comments, questions and feedback on our social media accounts. We have accounts on these platforms:

    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • YouTube
    • TikTok
    • LinkedIn.

    We ask that you are respectful of the community and follow these guidelines:

    Protecting your privacy and the privacy of others

    Please do not share any of your own, or anyone else’s, private information on our social media accounts. If there's something you need to discuss relating to a specific claim or levy, call our contact centre. You can also private message us on our social media channels and one of our team will respond. They will need to verify your identity if you'd like to discuss individual circumstances.

    Any posts which contain private information will be removed.

    Claims contact centre
    Phone 0800 101 996

    Business contact centre
    Phone 0800 222 070

    Provider contact centre
    Phone 0800 222 070

    General terms

    1. Please be respectful of other users of our social media accounts.
    2. Stay on topic and do not upload content or post a comment that is unrelated to the purpose the account.
    3. Do not use language or content that:
      • appears to be spam
      • is racist, sexist or discriminatory
      • contains insults or put downs
      • is likely to be offensive, inflammatory or provocative, including swearing and obscene or vulgar comments
      • contains potentially harmful advice
      • is not accurate.
    4. Don't break the law or encourage others to do so (this includes defamation, breaching privacy, breaching another person’s intellectual property rights such as copyright, condoning illegal activity and contempt of court).
    5. In the course of using the community areas of our social media accounts, please don't post personal information – addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details – relating either to you or other individuals.
    6. Don't impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or an organisation. Don't attempt to log on using another user’s account.
    7. Don't make any commercial endorsement or promotion of any product, service or publication.

    Removing comments and banning users 

    Any comments and posts that breach these terms will be removed by us. In addition, we use Facebook’s profanity and language filter which may automatically hide posts and comments to our page that uses banned terms.

    If an individual repeatedly violates this policy, that user will be blocked from posting in the future. We accept no liability in any way connected to the use of, or access to, our social media accounts.

    Giving permission

    By making any contribution to the our social media accounts publicly - including comments, photos or videos – you're granting us permission to reuse this content inside that platform. Permission will be sought via an individual request to the owner of the comment if we wish to utilise the content outside of the platform.

    General information


    The content provided on our social media accounts is intended to inform injury-prevention messages, our activity and provide general information on ACC-related services. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information set out on our social media accounts is accurate.

    However, visitors to these accounts are advised that:

    • the information provided does not replace or alter the laws of Aotearoa New Zealand and other official guidelines or requirements
    • We don't accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any action taken, or reliance placed, as a result of reading any part, or all, of the information in our social media accounts or for any error, inadequacy, deficiency, flaw in or omission from the information provided in our social media accounts
    • all links, shared content, and references to other products, websites or organisations not within ACC are provided for convenience only and aren't, and should not be taken as, endorsement of those products, websites or any information contained in those websites
    • we don't necessarily endorse any website or organisation, which has links to our websites. Liking, favouriting or sharing information does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation, it's for the purpose of sharing information
    • the information on our social media accounts has been provided for Aotearoa New Zealand conditions.


    Except where stated, the content on our social media accounts is the copyright of the Accident Compensation Corporation. It may be reproduced for personal or in-house use without formal permission or charge, with acknowledgement of our copyright. For permission to use the information on our social media accounts for any other purpose contact our social media team.


    Our social media accounts provide links to other sites. Permission to use copyrighted materials from other sites must be obtained from the copyright owner.

    Conditions of use

    While the content on our social media accounts is publicly accessible, all content like text and images is the copyright of ACC. Copyright queries should be directed in the first instance to our social media team.

    We only license users to download and print content, including images, subject to their adherence to the following conditions of use. By their use of the content, including images, users agree to follow these conditions of use:

    • The content of the ACC page may not be used for any commercial purpose without permission from us.
    • You may download and print text and images for your own personal and non-commercial use only.
    • Educational institutions may make print-outs and photocopies for distribution to students.
    • The content, including images, may not be re-published in print or electronic form without permission from us.
    • Users are not permitted to download content, including images, in order to mount them on their own servers for public use or for use by a set of subscribers. Downloads of text or images to a server for access by third parties is strictly prohibited.
    • Individuals and institutions are encouraged to make a link to the our social media channels subject to our Conditions of Use.
    • It's not in our interest or that of our users to have uncontrolled subsets of our content available elsewhere on the Internet.
    • Any content that we provide will follow the ACC Code of Conduct and Code of ACC Claimants’ Rights.
    • We will work in co-operation with authorities in the event that material breaching other parties’ rights, or that is otherwise unlawful, is posted on our social media channels.
    • Our content is continuously updated and modified on a regular basis.
    • We have the right to amend the terms of use.
    Last published: 28 August 2024