Provider news

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Displaying items 71 - 80 of 85 in total
Information to help manage capacity for the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) 
Released 02/05/2024

Information to help manage capacity for the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) 

As part of the ISSC quarterly reporting cycle, you provide us with valuable information about the number of clients that use your services, how many you place on a waitlist (if you manage a waitlist), and the number of referrals you couldn’t accept.
Care Indicator Policy update – looking after you and your team
Released 02/05/2024

Care Indicator Policy update – looking after you and your team

We’re making changes to the way our referrals let you know when a client has a care indicator. This will ensure, when needed, you are aware of how we manage potential risks when we interact with the client, to inform your own health and safety planning.
Whakarongorau engages the sector on design of new Waharoa
Released 02/05/2024

Whakarongorau engages the sector on design of new Waharoa

As part of our continuing partnership with Whakarongorau Aotearoa to design a more effective entryway (Waharoa) to the sexual violence response system, Whakarongorau hosted three engagement sessions in February and March 2024 about this work.
Changes planned for invoicing through the Psychological Services contract
Released 02/05/2024

Changes planned for invoicing through the Psychological Services contract

Beginning this month, all invoices related to the Psychological Services contract will need to include the named service provider’s Provider ID. If your invoice does not contain a Provider ID identifying who delivered services, your invoice will be declin
Cost of Treatment Regulations pricing to increase 1 June 2024
Released 24/04/2024

Cost of Treatment Regulations pricing to increase 1 June 2024

The amount we pay providers to treat client injuries under the Cost of Treatment Regulations (CoTR) is reviewed every two years
Consultation on changes to the Accident Compensation (Definitions) Regulations now open
Released 18/04/2024

Consultation on changes to the Accident Compensation (Definitions) Regulations now open

On behalf of the Minister for ACC, the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment is consulting on changes to regulations made under the Accident Compensation Act 2001
Register for our May Psychology Advisor Forum
Released 03/04/2024

Register for our May Psychology Advisor Forum

Join us for our May Psychology Advisor (PA) forum for Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) providers.
New option available for mental injury clients in Wellington
Released 03/04/2024

New option available for mental injury clients in Wellington

We’ve partnered with the Wellington Depression Recovery Trust to pilot Whakamātūtū
Allied Health Pricing Model Review for Physiotherapy
Released 03/04/2024

Allied Health Pricing Model Review for Physiotherapy

We have agreed with Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ) to co-commission an independent pricing review.
Tender for new Sensitive Claims Service now open
Released 02/04/2024

Tender for new Sensitive Claims Service now open

We’re excited to announce that the tender for the new Sensitive Claims Service
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