Provider news
Check out the top news stories and changes happening in the provider space.
You'll find these stories and more in our monthly provider email updates.
Displaying items 11 - 20 of 85 in total
Training wraps up for Sensitive Claims Service
Released 29/11/2024
Training wraps up for Sensitive Claims Service
Thank you to everyone who attended our Sensitive Claims Service training sessions. Overall, the training was well received, with 97% of respondents in our feedback survey saying they were satisfied or very satisfied with the training.
Provider Travel Policy reminder
Released 29/11/2024
Provider Travel Policy reminder
In July we let you know that we’ve updated our travel policy, to clarify our position on provider travel and ensure all providers are meeting their responsibilities. Here are some key reminders.
New equipment list available for support and recovery with Enable New Zealand
Released 29/11/2024
New equipment list available for support and recovery with Enable New Zealand
ACC assessors have been working with our rehabilitation equipment supplier Enable New Zealand to redesign the online equipment catalogue so it’s easier to use and shares the right amount of detail.
New ACC45 claim numbers started in November
Released 29/11/2024
New ACC45 claim numbers started in November
We’ve reached the end of our pool of available ACC45 claim numbers, and we started using our new number format in November. The existing ACC45 number format will continue to be accepted.
Updates to payment rates for residential care homes providing interim care
Released 30/10/2024
Updates to payment rates for residential care homes providing interim care
If you’re a non-contracted residential care provider, we’ve aligned our payment rates for interim care with rates set by Health New Zealand.
Want to hold a Residential Support contract with ACC?
Released 30/10/2024
Want to hold a Residential Support contract with ACC?
We welcome you to apply for a Residential Support contract at any time, and agree your rates with us. Advantages include agreed rates for both short-term and long-term residents.
Information to help manage capacity for the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC)
Released 30/10/2024
Information to help manage capacity for the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC)
The latest ISSC waitlist data is now available to view. As part of the ISSC quarterly reporting cycle, you provide us with valuable information about the number of clients that use your services, how many you place on a waitlist (if you manage a waitlist)
Onboarding smaller businesses to ProviderHub
Released 30/10/2024
Onboarding smaller businesses to ProviderHub
We’re rolling out ProviderHub to small and medium sized businesses from February 2025. If you’re one of those businesses, we’ll email you before the end of December about what this means for you.
Reporting requirements for SAATS due soon
Released 30/10/2024
Reporting requirements for SAATS due soon
We want to remind contract holders of the Sexual Assault Assessment and Treatment Service (SAATS) that quarterly reporting requirements are due soon.
What’s your plan to transition kiritaki to new Sensitive Claims Service?
Released 30/10/2024
What’s your plan to transition kiritaki to new Sensitive Claims Service?
The new Sensitive Claims Service launches on 1 December. You can use our new interactive guide to help you plan how you’ll transition kiritaki (clients) to the new contract. This will ensure they can continue to receive the treatment and services they nee